Tuesday, October 6, 2009

FOX and CNN.... at it again


In this clip Cnn's Rick Sanchez struck back at fox news for a small add that fox put out in the Washington post... the add had a picture of the tea party protests with a mass sea of people marching on washington and sayed across the top, "how did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN miss this?" at the bottom it says "fox news, we cover all the news"...

Rick wasnt to happy about this, in fact his stern tone of voice throughout the entire segment seems to show that he takes this add extreemly personally, if you watched it, im sure you know what mean. he starts by saying that there has been a lie.... so horrenous in fact that he cannot just sit around and take it. he then goes on to say "yes, i'm talking to you fox news, you, who claim to be fair and balanced... at what!? i wonder..." he continues to talk about the allegation that CNN and its fellow media friends did not cover the tea party protests and then, very sarcastically, shows four clips with four different CNN reporters in the feild at the rally, each clip with its own ending comments and lead into the next.

then he shows a CNN reporter who has been riding along with road trip protesters for weeks and gives us a clip of him talking about how many of these people refer to obama as hitler and other rediculous things, and then... back to the news room to ride out his glory after proving fox wrong.
next he shows the add again, which has a picture of the protest with a straight on view of congress and all the people in front of it, and compares it to the tower camera that CNN used to brodcast over the rally. although it is obvously not the same angle rick alleges either that they used CNNs tower camera shot for their add (which would make no sense at all) or that they tried to replicate CNNs angle... wither way, that part was a bad argument.

he then continues to a clip of the bill o'riely show, this 3-4 second bleep of bill speeking says "CNN as we mentioned covered the anti-obama protest of course but, ran into a bit of trouble".
here you can see the delight on ricks face as he found a FOX news clip denoucing the allegation in their add.

now it seems that rick is finally done with his "showing proof that cnn covered it" segment and there is no question that the add was wrong and fox was lying.

next he says, "heres the fact, we DID cover the event, what we DIDNT do is promote the event", he goes on to explain to fox news that a media network is supposed to be objective and show the people whats going on without a bias... i thought that was kinda funny.

his last statement i think says everything he wanted to get out, "when thousands of americans showed up at the nations capital to protest big government, we covered it, with 4 correspondants, 2 sattelite trucks, multiple live interviews, law makers on the record and conversations with attendees. by the way, we've put a call into fox news for a comment, and we EXPECT an appology."

he ends it by quoting what he says is a "very pithy phrase", adressing fox news his last words are, you lie...

any thoughts?

letterman under fire?

David Letterman has had sex with female employees... anyone angry about that? anyone perturbed? no, in fact i'm not even surprised. i think the only one who may have been surprised by that are the people in his immediate family. even his mother was quoted saying she couldnt wait to see the show where he would talk about it. for anyone thats interested heres the 9 min link where he talks about it...


when i first heard about this on CNN this afternoon, i was assuming that it was going to be a big deal, why might you ask? because of the way they potrayed it. the headline at the bottom read, "david lettermans extortion scandal". now i dont know if that is the best way to put it, obviously my first thoughts were that he was in jail and facing charges of extortion but then i got on youtube and watched what he had to say only to finally realize that some idiot, who works for letterman found out that he has had sex with some of his female employees and decided to try and blackmail him for 2 million dollars. apparently the man took some of the "evidence" in his repetuar and put it into a package, along with a note to letterman designed to scare him into paying and left it in david lettermans car, in the back seat. this probably would have freaked me out too, but what this idiot did was meet with letterman and his lawyer 3 times to get the process finished and eventually ended up with a fake 2 million dollar check and an arrest.

thought this was pretty interesting.... what do yall think?