Tuesday, October 6, 2009

letterman under fire?

David Letterman has had sex with female employees... anyone angry about that? anyone perturbed? no, in fact i'm not even surprised. i think the only one who may have been surprised by that are the people in his immediate family. even his mother was quoted saying she couldnt wait to see the show where he would talk about it. for anyone thats interested heres the 9 min link where he talks about it...


when i first heard about this on CNN this afternoon, i was assuming that it was going to be a big deal, why might you ask? because of the way they potrayed it. the headline at the bottom read, "david lettermans extortion scandal". now i dont know if that is the best way to put it, obviously my first thoughts were that he was in jail and facing charges of extortion but then i got on youtube and watched what he had to say only to finally realize that some idiot, who works for letterman found out that he has had sex with some of his female employees and decided to try and blackmail him for 2 million dollars. apparently the man took some of the "evidence" in his repetuar and put it into a package, along with a note to letterman designed to scare him into paying and left it in david lettermans car, in the back seat. this probably would have freaked me out too, but what this idiot did was meet with letterman and his lawyer 3 times to get the process finished and eventually ended up with a fake 2 million dollar check and an arrest.

thought this was pretty interesting.... what do yall think?


  1. I watched the clip yesterday. I don't understand why it's being made into such a big deal. Not at all surprising like you said. He's rich and famous -- having lots of sex is one of the priveledges of being rich and famous. It's what they do. Plus he went about it in a very humorous and casual way. He even apologized to his wife on air, not that it's anyone's business but his and hers. If that's all that idiot had on him, it's pretty pathetic.

  2. I agree that this should not be a big deal. Letterman is a talk show host and shouldn't be judged on morality. If he was single at the time he was free to have sex with who ever he so desired. I like to think the blackmailer probably knew a little more than Letterman said on the air though.

  3. Letterman should not loose credibility as a night show host because of this but it definitley should be a big deal to his family. Just because someone is rich and famous does not give him any special priviledge to commit adultery. He may be a good TV show host but many Americans have lost respect for him.
