Sunday, September 27, 2009

Theres something wrong with bill o'reilly

[ok so as hard as i tried, i couldn't figure out how to post this video on my blog. here is the URL, its a 4 min clip and its very interesting, basically bill o'rielly gets overly frustrated with a guest on his show and we see a bit of his TRUE side.] its called "Jeremy Glick vs Bill O'Reilly" on you tube

more than most people, at least out of the ones that I've had the pleasure of meeting, i believe that i have an pretty open understanding that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. that is as long as its not someone else's opinion which they've obviously picked up and began wielding as their own. you can usually pick the latter out of the crowd, their the ones that voice their opinion on any particular subject and then have no logical way of explaining how or why they have come to that understanding. but before i begin ranting and repeating everything i said on my previous blog let me get to the point. bill o'rielly is a card carrying conservative, in fact i wouldnt be surprised if he has a matching bumper sticker to guarentee that his audiences know how republican he is. his intro music dances around little punctuations that gleem slogans such as "the most powerful name in news" and "enter the no spin zone". well, honestly, i dont watch much news; i never have. i usually spend my time with south park, family guy and worlds wildest police chases. i get my news from people day to day and online alerts. suffice it to say, when i first saw bill orielly i wasnt watching with any type of cynicism and i certainly had nothing against him or his show. what did it for me was this clip. if your reading this then i'll assume you've watched it. just in case here's the outline. his guest, Jeremy Glick, is the son of a victim of the 9/11 attacks and is on the O'Rielly factor to show that not ALL of the 9/11 victim familes agree with the war in iraq and afghanistan. he brings up some pretty valid points, and everytime it seems that he is going to finish a thought, bill cuts him off with a childish sort of ranting saying things like "i've done more for the 9/11 families than you'll ever hope to do". ok, first of all, thats completely uncalled for. second, this kid is part of the constiuency that bill is talking about so shouldnt he have some sort of say in whether or not bill has done anything for them? back to the point at hand...... bill o'rielly is a well known, highly distributed source of political news, he covers global and domestic issues with politicians, experts and people who are known to be the authority on their discipline but he looses it when a kid from new york disagrees with him? he didnt even have anything inteligent to say in responce so instead he interupted jeremy as he was speaking throughout the interview and said "i dont think your father would be proud of what your doing here", or something like that. the man's job description should be, graceful under fire, aware of opposing view points and able to carry a conversation on your own show! with someone who doesnt agree with your political beliefs and instead bill did what any unaware, uneducated and undiplomatic person would do and resorted to childish behavior before cutting the segment short and comming back to appolojise for his guests misbehavior.

now i dont know about the rest of the american public but whether you agree with him or not that was uncalled for. personally, i lean on the republican side of many issues, i dont choose a side because i think its a warped system to choose a side but personally if i were a full fledged republican, like many of my family members, i would be embarrased. i showed the clip to my parents and they felt the same way.

after watching this, i was inclined to investigate o'rielly to see if this was just a "bad day" for him or if this is his part of his standard debating tactics and i can sadly say the man has a problem. he is highly hostile to those who oppose his strongly right winged viewpoint and the worst part is that he cant defend himself in the least. its not even a politics thing, heres a link to another video where he speaks to world renouned athies scholar Richard Dawkins.

he doesnt competely loose it but he contradics himself several times and by the end of the interview i find myself feeling bad for christians after the way he defends his beliefs.

in the end, i just dont think that a man of this character deserves his own primetime news show and frankly i'd love to see how he got to the center ring in the first place because it surely wasnt due to his persuasive nature.

any thoughts? i'd love to hear them...

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