Friday, November 27, 2009

is obama safe?

i got on yahoo today and saw a little story about a mishap that the secret service had while protecting the president. apparently, a couple by the name of the salahis were cleared to enter the white house during a dinner in honor of the Indian prime minister. they were not on the guest list and were allowed to enter anyway after passing through the metal detectors. no harm was done. the spokesman for the secret service commented however, that they should get the job done 100% of the time and although they have screened 1.2 million people for over 100 functions, even a single slip is too many. the salahis are now expected to enter a criminal investigation. what is interesting however is that there are pictures showing them with the president in multiple other events including in the glass case that the president and his family were in during the inauguration.

i think this is a pretty interesting story. its true, the president should always be protected completely. with all of the public functions that he attends the odds of someone trying to harm him are great, especially with all of the dramatic politics that have seemed continuous since the election. whether you like the president or not, it is never a good thing for the country to loose one to an assassination. my question concerns the fact that they have been seen with Obama before, and during the inauguration, in the glass case, i cant imagine this slipping so many times before. i would think that this could only mean that they have been cleared by the secret service before and were simply not invited to this particular event. this seems to be more of a misunderstanding than a criminal case.
it is difficult to make these assumptions however, at least without knowing more about the couple; but the article says they are participating in the new show, housewives of Washington DC. All of these facts lead me to believe that the couple are not a threat to the president but the fact still stands that these types of things should never happen. luckily, i believe this is the first time i have ever heard of this type of thing

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