Saturday, November 28, 2009

the nixon movie

hello everyone... i sat to do my blog and personally, i just don't feel like talking about the news. i get pretty tired of the media in general so i wanted to talk about the movie we watched in class, Frost Nixon. now personally, i dint really know much in the way of details when it comes to Nixon's presidency but i can imagine from watching the movie, the type of chaotic phenomenon that must have been going on in America during that time. we have all seen what the country does when mass popular opinion relinquishes its support of an American president and Nixon's case must have been much of the same, which brings me to my next point... although GW bush's presidency cant be followed parallel to Nixon's i would still like to make a few comparisons. simply, if i were GWB i wouldn't want to take part in any interviews, talk shows or even pictures. after all the mass criticisms during his presidency i wouldn't want to come out of the house for a few months. the same goes for Nixon, it was to my surprise that he was interested in taking part in those interviews to begin with but what i really don't get is why he answered the tough questions like that. the movie made it very clear that the two parties had a contract and also that Nixon was a man of conversational genius. so then... why, after all of the heat he felt in washington and the months he had to let it settle down a bit would he feel inclined to tell the truth to an interviewer who he viewed as "below him"? what i would like to know, is exactly how accurate is the movie in comparison to the real life events, on and off of the interview cameras... just a thought...

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